Know My Truth
Know My Truth

Know My Truth

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Introduction: 5 Principles to a More Joyful Life: Conquering Fears, Regulating Emotions, and Creating Your Destiny Embracing a life of joy and fulfillment requires more than just wishing it into existence. It takes active effort, self-awareness, and a willingness to face your fears and harness your emotions. Here are 5 key principles to guide your journey: 1. Conquering Fears: • Identify your fears: What holds you back? Is it public speaking, pursuing your dreams, or taking a leap of faith? Acknowledge and understand your anxieties. • Challenge negative thoughts: Don't let fear control your narrative. Replace negative self-talk with empowering affirmations and focus on the potential rewards of overcoming your limitations. • Take small steps: Start with manageable challenges that gradually build your confidence. Celebrate each victory, no matter how small, and witness your fears shrink as your courage grows. 2. Regulating Emotions: • Self-awareness is key: Recognize your emotions in the moment. Are you feeling anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed? Understanding your triggers paves the way for better control. • Healthy coping mechanisms: Develop calming techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature. These tools help you navigate emotional turbulence without letting it dictate your actions. • Seek support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for guidance and support. Sharing your struggles can lighten the burden and provide valuable insights. 3. Finding Focus: • Define your priorities: What truly matters to you? What are your long-term goals and aspirations? Having a clear vision helps you prioritize tasks and avoid distractions. • Minimize distractions: Limit time on social media, turn off notifications, and create a dedicated workspace free from clutter. Focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention. • Embrace mindfulness: Practice present-moment awareness to stay focused on the task at hand. This helps you avoid getting overwhelmed by past regrets or future anxieties. 4. Creating Your Destiny: • Take ownership: Stop blaming external factors for your circumstances. Embrace responsibility for your choices and actions. This empowers you to shape your own destiny. • Set realistic goals: Don't aim for overnight success. Break down your aspirations into achievable steps and celebrate milestones along the way. • Embrace continuous learning: Never stop growing and evolving. Pursue new skills, seek knowledge, and challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. 5. Letting Life Work for You: • Shift your perspective: Instead of fighting life's currents, learn to navigate with them. See challenges as opportunities for growth and setbacks as stepping stones to success. • Practice gratitude: Focus on the good things in your life, even the small moments. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude fosters joy and contentment. • Live in the present: Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Embrace the present moment and find joy in the everyday. Remember, a joyful life is a continuous journey, not a destination. By actively applying these principles, you can conquer your fears, regulate your emotions, find focus, and create the destiny you desire. Let go of the resistance and allow yourself to be guided by your inner compass, one joyful step at a time. I hope this helps! Feel free to ask any further questions you may have on your path to a more fulfilling life and or to join our ever-expanding core of students/clients learning a better way to live life Contact Jesse (chuy) @ KnowMyTruth Text or call - nine two five - four nine five - zero nine three two New Students/Clients – ask about our specials for the new year – a limited time ******* As a bonus gift to a lucky few – who join quickly – Our 5 weeks Conscious Awaking program – You must call or text and ask about our gift – only 5 spots remaining as of Jan 10 2024 – will you be the one?

Serves Pleasanton, CA

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12 years in business

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Deanna G.
Nov 27, 2023
After my first 18 years of life, living under the thumb of a restrictive and abusive mother and a non present father, I married a man that was restrictive, oppressive, abusive and hateful. During the 32 years of a marriage that didn't work, I learned habits of "survival" that created a perpetual feeling of not being good enough, hating life and hating myself. I needed to unlearn those habits so that I could improve my mental and physical health. This is what I learned and currently learning while working with KnowMyTruth. I screamed out to the Universe one day, "I need a change, This life needs to change." Boy did I get a change. My life turned upside down when I lost my job, lost my husband and almost lost my home... Be careful what you say to the universe. But the real change came when I found the love of my life. The only problem, I was still in survival mode. I needed new skills to make this beautiful relationship last. Since working with KnowMyTruth, I've experienced so many "Aha" moments in my sessions while learning how to unlearn my bad habits while I was in survival mode. After living in a state of lack for 50 years, I'm developing skills to recognize those "survival" habits, skills to change and skills to heal. I'm now beginning to live in a state of abundance and gratitude. I've turned the page to my happy, joyful and peaceful new chapter of life. Thank you Chuy and Shannon! Holly
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Jesus Grajeda