Regular Cleaning
Regular Cleaning includes mop & vacuum, disinfecting, and sanitizing of reachable surfaces, bathroom cleaning, mirror & glass cleaning throughout the house (inside windows are an extra), and kitchen appliances.
Deep Cleaning
Deep cleaning is for homes that have not been cleaned in the past 30 days. Deep cleaning includes everything in standard plus: Ceiling Fans, Light switches, Baseboards, and getting the Crooks and Cranny of the home.
Move In / Out Cleaning
This package includes oven, refrigerator, cabinets and inside windows. This cleaning is perfect for prepping your house for sale, moving in or moving out of your home, and cleaning homes with dust and grime from previous tenants.
Green & Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Green and Eco-Friendly Cleaning we use products that are pet and baby friendly. Our eco-friendly products do not have harsh chemicals and they are locally produced.