Monday, September 20, 2010

Things To Focus On Before Losing Weight

We've all heard of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and to narrow down the message it's about your thoughts.  If it's important to discipline your thoughts to grow rich, how much more when it pertains to your weight.  Remember, it's our thoughts which creates our habits, and the habits which create the outcome.

Here are some areas I'd suggest we should look at before trying another weight loss program:
1)   Develop a positive mindset - It's so true, as a man thinks in his heart so he becomes.  If you think your program won't work, then the program won't work.  Your behavior corresponds to your subconscious thoughts.

2)  Develop the faith to believe - In the bible, the book of Hebrews said "faith is the substance of things hope for, and the evidence of things not seen."  It's by your faith or your confident belief that you can and will lose weight, and keep it off which makes it possible. 

3) Modify your behaviors - We've all had accumulated habit patterns which caused us to be overweight.  Fast food is fast, and convenient.  However, it's not healthy.  If we are trying to change our health, then  adjust how many days you buy fast food.  Simple adjustments to habit patters can create major results in the long run.

This is the area I'd focus on in my weight loss goals: the long run.  We live in a microwave society, and we need everything done today.  However, we are overweight because of  daily consistent wrong habits over years. As immature as this sounds, to change that, I would propose to make daily consistent healthy habits, and look at your body adjust itself.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Make the most of the 9 week weight loss challenge

The Weight Loss challenge is a unique opportunity for each challenger to succeed.  Where else can you win by losing?  While friendly competition is involved, it really is all about each person finding help with his or her weight loss goals.  The 9 weeks offer a truly life-changing opportunity, but will be over before you know it..

Here are some tips for the 9 weeks..
1)   Commit to the challenge
2)   Know your real WHY
3)   Invite friends and pick a partner
4)  Have Fun..

Hope to see you at Junior High School on West Street in Brockton, Ma. at 6pm on Monday, September 20th...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Do you have to prepare yourself emotionally to lose weight effectively?

Someone told me, I know I'm overweight, but I have to be ready to lose weight.  As I focus on the thought, I realize it's true, you have to make a decision to go an effective weight loss program.  Why is that so?

  •  Emotional eating is easy
  •  Fast food is cheap

Emotional eating:-
Do you know why we put something in our mouths when we are emotional?  Think about this, have you noticed when a baby is crying, the first thing the mom does is to stick a pacifier in the baby's mouth?  We are creatures of habits, so what is the first thing we do when we are hurting?  We eat.  For example, I had a slice of pie with whip cream for dessert, but after a slice, I desired another slice until the pie was finished.  Do you think after the first slice, I was eating dessert.  No, I was eating to satisfy a need.

Fast food is cheap:-
Fast food is very popular, and it's very convenient to purchase.  They are very low in cost and are highly processed with additives.  They don't satisfy the body's need for building blocks or nutrients, but it satisfy the immediate hunger, and cravings.

For these two reasons alone, it's a very difficult decision to lose weight effectively.  Why?  We'll have to face the emotions we were trying to avoid, and we'll have to learn other behaviors to deal with those emotions.  Let's face it, fast food taste good.  The alternative would be to learn how to prepare your own healthier choice of meals, and after a long day at work, who needs that right?

With 50% of the heart diease, cancer, stroke, or diabetes deaths are diet related, doesn't stand to reason that we should change the way we look at food today?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Calories to lose weight

Do you know how to adjust calories to lose weight each week?  Today, there seems to be allot of talk about weight loss to confuse anybody.  With the increase focus of carbohydrate and dietary fat, concern over calories has been left out.  It's a shame with that because the fact that whether you focus on dietary fats or carbohydrates, or weight loss drugs, you'll simple gain weight if you take more calories than you burn.

To lose a pound, you need to create a deficit of 500 calories per week.  Therefore, here are some suggestions to substitute.

Instead of : Bagel and cream cheese and coffee with cream and sugar use Bran flakes cereal with skim milk, and not dairy creamer

Instead of:  20-ounce soda, one cup orange juice, and second glass of wine use water, unsweetened teas

Instead of: Candy bar, chips and 20 oz soda use baby carrots, and an apple

Keep a food diary as a written log of what you eat as a powerful eye opener.  When you write down what you eat, you eat less...

If you need more information, I'll be glad to assist....

Water for weight loss

We know we need water to survive, but most of us take it for granted, and don't drink enough of it.  There are studies which show in addition to  hydration, drinking water help speed up weight loss. 

What's make it so special?

1) Water is essential for your body
We've heard our bodies are 70% water, so it makes sense that we need more of it.  Water is essential for every part of your body, from cells to body functions.  It flushes toxins from our body, prevents fatigue, and accelerates weight loss.

2)  It increases  the rate people burn calories
There are studies which shows drinking cold water increase weight loss because the body burns calories to heat the water to a usable temperature.  The Berlin's Franz-Volhared Clinical research center said metabolic rates increased by 30% for men and women within 10-40 minutes of drinking about two glasses of water.

3)  Helps you to stay hydrated:
When your body is dehydrated, it makes up for it by storing in the water for later, and of course we know it could be in our legs, ankles, lungs and abdomen.  What most of us don't know, the way to reduce this storage is to drink more of it.

How can you increase the water consumption?  Good question, I'm glad you asked it..
Rehydrate each morning.  Have water with meals instead of other beverages.  Thirst is a signal that you are dehydrated, so get enough water before you feel thirsty.

Hope this little tip helps you in your weight loss goal...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Burning desire as a secret in an effective weight loss

One of the first step to achieve success in weight loss is to develop a burning desire to lose the weight.  The burning desire becomes your WHY, and it's not necessarily for you to look good, but it could be a desire for you to become healthy, to get off the medications from the doctor.  If the burning desire is not strong enough, then you will not accomplish your goals.

I know allot of people say diets don't work, and to some degree I agree with the statements.  A prescribed one diet plan fits all doesn't work.  We need a program tailor made for us:  the individual.  The specialized plan plus a strong enough why, and you will accomplish your goals.

What prevents failure in weight loss?  Unbelief...If you don't believe what ever plan you are working with won't work, then guess what?  It won't work.  Unbelief drives indecision to get up another day and work on your good health plan.  Unbelief will allow you to talk yourself out of the WHY which will cause you to procrastinate in  your good health plan.

Here is what I will suggest to stop unbelief...Create smaller goals..Yes, you would like to lose 50 pounds, but you and I know you won't lose it tomorrow or next week if you just start your program.  However, if you have a small goal of fitting in the dress in the closet you haven't worn for a month because you gained 10 pounds and accomplish that goal, then  it will drive unbelief from you.  Continue in that trend,  create smaller goals to wear something, and you will wear it, and bit by bit you will accomplish your weight loss goals.

Hope this helps...