How much will your dishwasher installation cost?

Columbus, OH 43215

Dishwasher Installers on Thumbtack cost$150 - $157

Average fixed price

  • Lowest price:$110
  • Most common low price:$150
  • Most common high price:$157
  • Highest price:$200
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How much does it cost to install a dishwasher?

By Kristy Snyder

The average national dishwasher installation cost is $1,259. Of course, your total cost depends on many different factors, including the quality of your dishwasher, the plumbing situation, and local prices. Nationally, dishwasher installation varies from $604 at the lowest to $1,946 at the highest.

Dishwasher installation cost:

National average cost 


Average cost range


Average low-end cost


Average high-end cost


Prices include the national average cost of labor and materials.

As you can see, there's quite a range when it comes to the cost of installing a dishwasher. To have a better idea of what you'll pay, we recommend getting free estimates from nearby pros. They'll be able to provide a more accurate cost assessment based on your specific situation.

Still curious what might affect dishwasher installation costs? We've got you covered. Keep reading to learn about the factors that can affect pricing.

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Cost breakdown for installing or replacing a dishwasher.

It's inevitable — all dishwashers break down eventually. When that happens, here's what costs you can expect when installing a new dishwasher.

Labor costs and service fees.

Labor costs can vary greatly depending on where you live and the contractor’s experience. More experienced contractors who install dishwashers as their main gig can charge more than someone just starting out in the business.

Installation service costs can also be more if you want installers to haul away your old dishwasher. For many people, paying this added fee is more convenient than trying to find a way to dispose of the old appliance on your own.

Material and equipment costs.

Dishwasher prices can range from as low as $380 to up to $2,300, depending on the model you choose. Stainless steel tub dishwashers are usually the most expensive type of dishwasher, but they're also the quietest and most eco-friendly. The cheapest machines are plastic, and hybrid machines that use a mix of steel and plastic are somewhere in the middle.

Removing your existing dishwasher.

If you're not using your contractor to dispose of the dishwasher, you'll need to find your own way to part with it. This can get expensive depending on the option you choose.

The cheapest way to remove your old dishwasher — if it still works — might be to donate it to a local charity that offers free pick-up. You can also hire a junk removal service or other pros who remove appliances.

Plumbing considerations.

If you already have a dishwasher, then a new one should still work with the old plumbing. But if you've never had a dishwasher before, it'll require labor from a plumber.

Either way, it's a good idea to have a plumber oversee the installation of the dishwasher. They'll make sure the water supply is hooked up correctly, and the drain line fits securely. Having a professional install your appliance can help you prevent a big leak during your first wash cycle.

Electrical considerations.

Plumbing isn't the only utility your dishwasher requires. It also must be hooked up to electricity.

If you're just installing the new dishwasher in place of an old one, you likely won't need an electrician. But if this is a brand-new install, you'll need an electrician to put in new wiring — something that can be hazardous to DIY. 

Local permitting and inspection fees.

Permitting and inspection costs can easily add to your final total, but these costs vary greatly depending on where you live.

The good news is, that if you're working with a contractor, they'll likely handle this step for you. You generally need a permit before you start the installation and an inspection after the dishwasher is in place.

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Tips for saving money when installing a dishwasher.

If you have a low budget, there are ways you can find savings. For example:

  • Compare dishwasher prices and installation services. Check out prices at home improvement stores to see which has the dishwasher you want at the cheapest price. You should also contact at least three installation services for quotes to see which one offers the fairest price.
  • Wait for a holiday sale. Retailers tend to have big appliance sales around major holidays, such as Labor Day, Memorial Day, and Black Friday.
  • Maintain your dishwasher to extend its life. Get more years out of your dishwasher by cleaning it regularlyunclogging the drains, and quickly taking care of repairs.
  • Look into a used dishwasher. You might be able to find a gently used dishwasher on sites like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. It may also be possible to buy the floor model from a store.
  • Handle delivery and removal yourself. Even if you have to rent a truck and entice a friend to help, it can often be cheaper than paying someone to do it for you.

Cost of DIY vs. hiring a pro to install your dishwasher.

DIY-ing your dishwasher installation will be cheaper than hiring a plumber to install the appliance. You won't have to pay any labor fees, which can easily save you hundreds.

That said, you should consider how a DIY dishwasher installation will play out in the long term. You're not a professional, so there's a chance you might install something incorrectly or fail to get the right permits. This could lead to expensive repair bills in the future or fines from your municipality.

With a pro, you will be paying more upfront. However, the peace of mind of having a professional install your dishwasher is priceless. And if something does go wrong in the future, the problem might be covered by the contractor's warranty, so they might even fix it for free.

Get free cost estimates from dishwasher installation professionals.

When you're ready to get started, Thumbtack makes it easy to contact nearby professionals for free cost estimates. Just input your ZIP code to see the top-rated dishwasher installers in your area. Download the Thumbtack app now to find the best local dishwasher installer.

*The project cost estimates provided in this article were provided by Xactware’s pricing data unless otherwise noted. For more information, visit Xactware’s pricing methodology page.

How do we know these prices?

Millions of people ask Thumbtack for help with their projects every year. We track the estimates they get from local professionals, conduct our own research and then we share those prices with you. The prices reflected in the article above are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. Contact a professional near you to receive a personalized cost estimate for your project.


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