How much will your music entertainment cost?

Columbus, OH 43215

Bands on Thumbtack cost$150 - $200

Average fixed price

  • Lowest price:$100
  • Most common low price:$150
  • Most common high price:$200
  • Highest price:$250

How much does a pianist cost?

Whether you’re looking for a wedding performer, an accompanist or a piano teacher, hundreds of musicians around the country are available to help make your next event perfect or take your musical education to the next level. Professional pianists can adroitly play a wide variety of music, from jazz standards to classical pieces to Broadway show tunes — any song to fit any event, including Mendelssohn’s "Wedding March" and The Beatles’ “Hey Jude.” The main factors in determining costs are the skills and professionalism of the musician and the length of the service performed.

Pianist as accompanist

Professional pianists are often available to accompany singers and other musicians, either in the studio or on stage. Pianists may charge either by the hour or per song for accompanist services. Ron Ferlito in Goodyear, Arizona, charges $100-$200 per song to record audio demos, depending on whether vocals are required.

Party performers

Pianists are often hired to play at wedding ceremonies and receptions as well as cocktail parties and other events. Most party performers are paid by the hour — the amount of time they’re at the venue, not just the number of minutes they’re playing music — but wedding musicians usually charge a flat fee for the event.

Sweet Harmony, a collective of special event musicians in Plainfield, New Jersey, offers solo keyboard services that start at $250 for the ceremony. Playing at the rehearsal as well costs an additional $150. Additional fees are charged for rehearsing with a singer as an accompanist.

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Travel fees

A pianist may also charge travel fees to get to the event venue. These typically range from $25 to $50.

Piano lessons

Many professional pianists are also teachers, offering lessons to children and adults. Both Tara Buzash, of Sweet Harmony, and Ron Ferlito offer lessons. Buzash teaches lessons both in the home and at the French School of Music in Plainfield, New Jersey, and the Mason Gross Extension Division in New Brunswick, New Jersey. At the Nashville Music Academy, piano lessons cost $30 for a 30-minute lesson, $40 for a 45-minute lesson, and $55 for a 60-minute lesson. The academy offers a discount when four lessons are paid for in advance (more on the cost factors for piano lessons here).

How do we know these prices?

Millions of people ask Thumbtack for help with their projects every year. We track the estimates they get from local professionals, conduct our own research and then we share those prices with you. The prices reflected in the article above are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. Contact a professional near you to receive a personalized cost estimate for your project.


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