- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
Privates: 65$/per person 100$/couple or 2 persons Groups: 12$/person Choreography work: 150$-350$/choreography
- What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Notable Performances: Arthur Murray Open Professional American Smooth. 3rd Place. Long Beach. California. 2014 Palm Springs Salsa Extravaganza Palm Springs California 2013 Salsa Congress Santa Barbara with Liz Lira Dance Academy. Santa Barbara. California. 2012 Salsa Mambo Festival with Liz Lira Dance Academy Palm Spring California 2012 Belly Dance Black & White Party by Los Angeles Open Los Angeles California 2012 Los Angeles Salsa Congress with Liz Lira Dance Academy Los Angeles California 2012 Belly Dance with Sapphire Belly Dance Los Angeles California 2012 Hennesy - Executive Gathering Jakarta Indonesia 2010 HONDA - Executive gathering for Eid Mubarak Jakarta Indonesia 2010 Star of The East Performance Nights Jakarta Indonesia 2010 Etihad Airways - Executive Gathering Jakarta Indonesia 2009 Harmony 2nd World Belly Dance Penang Malaysia 2008 Sydney Salsa Congress Sydney Australia 2007 Salsa Festival Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia 2007 Opening Ceremony Latin Dance Sport National Competition (PON) Jakarta Indonesia 2007 Singapore Salsa Congress Singapore 2006 Asian Celebration 2000 Eugene Oregon USA 2000 Honoring Dewaruci Indonesian Navy San Francisco USA 2000 Indo Bay Art San Francisco CA USA 1999 One night in Batavia Denver CO USA 1998 South East Asia Night San Francisco CA USA 1998 Notable Choreography work: Description of work: • Create choreography • Image Artistry (Posture, Alignment,Presentation, Body Language, Expression, Attitude, etc) • Artistic Director for music video, stage performances camera presentations Choreographer 'Tentang aku & Dia' & ‘Hipnotis’ Indah Dewi Pertiwi Jakarta Indonesia 2011 Choreographer 'Penggoda Cinta' & 'Gila' Shanty Jakarta Indonesia 2010 Choreographer 'Shake It Off' Agnes Monica Asia Festival. Korea. 2009 Choreographer ‘Persembahan Dari Hati' Shanty Jakarta Indonesia 2002 Choreographer & Artistic Coordinator Description of work: • Dance Choreography • Directing event conceptual & artistic production • Stage Manger and Artist Coordinator Fantasy Ecstasy, 2011 /L-Men Mister International 2010 MTV Music Award 2002-2005 /Movie Award 2005/ Samsung Journalist Award 2001 Drama Musical & Theater: Description of work: • Choreographer & Theatrical Artistic Consultant • Working with directly with Directors & Producer • Directing over 50 dancers & actors COMING HOME. IFGF. LA. CA. 2014 UPON A STAR IFGF. LA. CA 2013 INSIDE OUT IFGF. LA. CA 2012 HERO INC IFGF. LA. CA 2011 You & Me - Global TV Jakarta 2009 Producer & Creative Director: Description of work: • Original Concept creation • Sponsor Aquisition and Promotions • Stage and Crew Manager IHDAS - Indonesia Hip Hop Dance All Star Workshops Series Part I 2011 Interlude Dance Academy Annual Performances. Jakarta Indonesia 2005-2010: Culture Blast 2005/Diversity in One Believe 2006/Wanna Be A Superstar 2007/Rock The World 2008/ Indonesia We Love You 2009/R.E.S.P.E.C.T 2010 Founder, Owner & Executive Director: Star Of The East Belly Dance Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia 2008 Interlude Dance Company 2001 – 2005/Academy Jakarta Indonesia 2005 – 2013 Education: Academy Of Art University San Francisco California USA 2001 Northwestern College Allentown Pennsylvania USA 1995 Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary Singapore 1990 Notable Dance Training: Arthur Murray Dance Academy. Los Angeles. 2013-2014 Liz Lira Dance Academy Los Angeles California 2012-2013 Latin Dance Australia Sydney Australia 2005 – 2007 City Slamnation by Ronnie Reddick San Francisco 1998 – 2001 Work Experiences: Interlude Dance Academy. Jakarta. IND. 2000-2010 Liz Lira Dance Company. Los Angeles. 2012-2013 Arthur Murray Dance Company. Los Angeles. 2013-2014 The Ballroom World Of Dance. Los Angeles. 2014-recent
- How did you get started doing this type of work?
My mother introduced me to dancing since I was 5 years old- started with Ballet. Since then I have never stop dancing; Started join competitions and took dancing seriously, hard training and crazy hours. Won 1st places most of them and started traveling around the cities for judging dance competitions on national television. Not busy enough, I have the urge to build a better foundation for all these dancers - I started running my own dance school 2001-2010. While juggling all of that, my favorite time of the day will be training competitions crews. This is where all foundation were build and eventually build a better dancers with strong character.