How to clean a polyester couch or sofa.


By Jordana Weiss

All couches experience accidents, spills, and stains. But not all couches have the same cleaning methods — especially polyester couches.

It's important to learn how to spot-treat and clean a polyester couch the right way. Otherwise, you risk using the wrong cleaning process that will damage the fabric and make the stain worse.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of how to clean your polyester sofa. We'll help you ensure it remains a cozy and welcoming focal point in your living area for years to come.

Understanding polyester couches.

Unlike naturally occurring materials like cotton or linen, polyester is a synthetic fabric material made from a type of plastic most often derived from petroleum. While most types of polyester are created from oil byproducts, some polyester fabrics are synthesized from recycled or agricultural materials.

Furniture manufacturers typically use a heavier-weight polyester to cover couches and other upholstered items. The most common polyester used for this purpose is ethylene polyester, followed by lighter-weight options like staple or filament weave polyester.

Polyester fabric is resistant to moisture, wrinkles, fading, and stains, so it’s a popular choice for upholstering furniture. This characteristic, coupled with its durability, makes polyester an ideal choice for low-maintenance furniture upholstery. However, proper care is essential to keep your couch looking brand new.

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Preparation for cleaning.

Now that we understand how polyester is made, it’s time to learn how to effectively clean your couch or sofa:

First, verify the material. Confirm that your couch is indeed made out of polyester. There may be a label with care guidance on the bottom, or you may be able to find more detailed information online. If the manufacturer offers specific instructions, make sure to follow them closely.

Next, gather a few household cleaning supplies that will come in handy. These will include:

  • Vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment
  • Mild detergent
  • Distilled water
  • A soft cloth or sponge
  • A small bucket

Pro tip: If you’re dealing with a known staining ingredient like coffee, red wine, or blood, you can also search for a commercial stain remover designed to work on polyester.

Cleaning methods for polyester couches.

vacuuming polyester couchHere are some general cleaning methods we recommend for your polyester couch or sofa: 

1. Vacuum your polyester sofa to remove loose dirt and debris.

Vacuuming will help clear the space for deeper cleaning and remove any potential abrasive particles that could damage the fabric during the cleaning process.

Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle brush attachment. Gently go over the entire surface of the couch, paying extra attention to crevices and seams where dirt accumulates.

2. Spot-clean specific stains and spills.

Spot cleaning is a crucial step to help remove stubborn stains. Before you do anything else, start by spot-testing your cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area. This can help ensure the cleaning solution won't damage or discolor your fabric. 

After a successful spot test, dampen a clean cloth or sponge with mild detergent and distilled warm water. Blot the stained area gently, working from the outside of the stain to its center to avoid spreading the stain. Then, let it dry. Repeat if necessary. 

3. Consider an upholstery cleaner made for polyester fabrics for a deeper clean.

Polyester upholstery cleaners are designed to lift and remove embedded dirt and grime, restoring the fabric's vibrancy. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions clearly to avoid damaging your sofa's polyester fibers.

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How to deal with specific stains (and odors) on polyester couches.

spraying cleaning solution to remove stain on polyester couchFor tougher stains, such as those caused by red wine or coffee, you’ll probably need to use a stain remover designed for polyester fabrics to see the best results. Some of these products are formulated for spot cleaning only, not all-over fabric cleaning. This means that you can use them on stains ranging from food and drink to ink, organic materials, and much more.

If you notice your polyester couch has developed an odor, there are natural and commercial treatments that can work. An odor-removing spray, such as those designed for pets, may do the job.

You can also try activated charcoal, which can absorb the odors. Place it in a container or tray on the surface of your couch for a few hours at a time.

Regular maintenance and care tips for polyester sofas.

Now that you've learned how to effectively treat stains, wear, and odors on your polyester couch, let’s cover some essential tips for regular maintenance and ongoing care:

  • Implement some basic rules to minimize spills and stains on your couch. This may include banning footwear from the sofa and asking family members to avoid eating and drinking while sitting on your furniture.
  • Consider using throws and cushion covers to add extra protection to your polyester couch. These can be easily removed and washed, preventing spills from reaching the fabric underneath.
  • Rotate and fluff cushions often to help distribute wear evenly across the whole couch. This helps maintain its appearance and prevents certain areas from looking more worn than others.
  • Position your polyester couch away from direct sunlight to prevent fading. If moving your furniture is not an option, consider using curtains or blinds to shield it from prolonged exposure during peak sun intensity.
  • Consider contacting a professional cleaning service to clean your polyester couch every once in a while. Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to deep clean your polyester couch. They can help you remove accumulated dirt, pet hair, and other messes to ensure a fresh, revitalized look.

Common mistakes to avoid when cleaning polyester couches.

When it comes to cleaning your polyester couch, it's important to avoid common mistakes that can cause damage to the fabric. By following these tips, you can keep your couch looking clean and fresh without any negative side effects.

1. Using harsh chemicals or bleach: One of the biggest mistakes people make when cleaning polyester couches is using strong chemicals or bleach. These harsh substances can strip the color and cause discoloration or even damage to the fabric. Instead, opt for mild, gentle cleaners specifically designed for upholstery.

2. Scrubbing vigorously, causing fabric damage: Another mistake to avoid is scrubbing your polyester couch vigorously. While it may seem like a good idea to remove stains or dirt, this can actually lead to fabric damage. Instead, gently blot the affected area with a clean cloth or sponge to prevent any harm to the fabric.

3. Skipping regular maintenance and cleaning: Lastly, don't make the mistake of skipping regular maintenance and cleaning of your polyester couch. Over time, dust, dirt, and spills can accumulate and become more difficult to remove. By regularly vacuuming and spot cleaning, you can prolong the life and appearance of your couch.

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Professional cleaning vs. DIY cleaning.

professional upholster cleaner deep cleaning polyester couch

When it comes to cleaning your polyester couch, you have two options: hiring a professional upholstery cleaner or doing it yourself. Each approach has its own set of pros and cons, so it's important to consider your needs and preferences before making a decision:

Expertise and experience. Professional cleaners are trained to handle different types of upholstery, including polyester, and have access to specialized tools and cleaning solutions. They can effectively remove stubborn stains and deeply embedded dirt, leaving your couch looking fresh and revitalized.

Additionally, professional cleaning can help extend the lifespan of your couch, as they know how to properly care for and maintain upholstery.

Budget and cost. Professional cleaning does come with a cost. The fees charged by upholstery cleaning services can vary depending on factors such as the size of your couch, the level of dirtiness, and your location. While it may be a worthwhile investment for some, it may not fit everyone's budget.

On the other hand, if you opt for DIY cleaning, you can save money by using readily available household items and cleaning solutions. There are numerous tutorials and guides available online that provide step-by-step instructions on how to clean a polyester couch effectively.

Clean according to your preferences. DIY cleaning also allows you to control the process and choose the cleaning products that align with your preferences, such as eco-friendly or fragrance-free options.

Time and effort. It's important to note that DIY cleaning requires time and effort on your part. Cleaning a polyester couch can be a labor-intensive task, especially if it has accumulated a significant amount of dirt and stains. You'll need to dedicate a considerable amount of time and energy to achieve satisfactory results.

Additionally, there's a risk of using the wrong cleaning solutions or techniques, which could potentially damage your couch.

Hire an upholstery cleaning service near you.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of effective polyester couch cleaning methods and maintenance tips, you're well on your way to ensuring your sofa remains a cozy and appealing centerpiece in your home.

Don't feel like DIY-ing this project? An upholstery cleaning service is helpful for those times when you need a bit of extra assistance. Download the Thumbtack app to find professionals in your area today. Compare top-rated pros, and ask them how much it will cost to clean your polyester couch, sofa, and other furniture that needs a deep cleaning.


Can I clean polyester sofa fabric?

Yes! Check out our instructions above for all the details. Be sure to read any manufacturer instructions on your couch and cleaning products before you begin.

What can I use to clean a polyester couch?

Water- or solvent-based cleaners can be used on polyester. Just check the label and do a spot test before using it on the whole couch. You can also use a gentle mix of detergent and warm distilled water to spot-clean. 

Is a 100% polyester couch easy to clean? 

Yes. Polyester is a resilient and stain-resistant fabric. That means it’s usually easy to clean dirt, pet hair, stains, and other messes off your polyester couch. 

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