I am a Certified Behavior Consultant–Canine (CBCC-KA) and Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA) using Force-Free Methods that are Positive and Reward Based. In an unlicensed unregulated field it is essential that you choose someone to work with your dog and your family who has significant credentials as well as many years of experience!
The CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA credentials are founded on rigorous educational standards and independent testing of knowledge and skills. Certificants are required to work within a Humane Hierarchy that uses the LIMA model for training. LIMA stands for Least Invasive, Minimally Averse. That means we respect your dog's learning process and build progressively on successful outcomes one skill at a time. We honor the fact that your dog is an equal participant and that good training is built on collaboration not compulsion or intimidation.
Most behavior problems can be prevented by gently and systematically providing safe opportunities for your dog to learn about our world— the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures; the objects and things that move; the children and people of all shapes and colors; the different places and where their own place is!
Comprehensive socialization merged with functional conditioning of basic good manners provides your pup with substantial immunity from frustrating and dangerous behavior problems that have become too common in adult dogs.
These are the two paths: start early and stack the odds of getting it right from the get-go with your new puppy, or rehabilitate a grown dog who did not have that chance for early socialization and training.
When designing a program for your dog I work closely with you and your family, your breeder or rescue foundation, and your veterinarian. Scheduling and training support is a collaboration we create together based on your vision of your ideal relationship with your dog in your family.
The process is dynamic. Considerable attention is placed on weekly, if not daily, progress as your puppy grows up or as the challenging behavior of your adult dog is resolved.
Teaching modern force-free methods and helping people develop their own dog training skills is very rewarding. I work to empower the dog-human relationship and strengthen the bonds we have with our canine family members.