What does a fortune teller do?

Thumbtack Editors

A fortune teller offers insight into people’s past, present and future through private readings. Some fortune tellers read palms or use tarot cards, runes, or tea leaves to see into a client’s future. Other fortune tellers consider themselves psychics, numerologists and mystics who look for patterns and meaning in seemingly random events, such as stirred tea leaves or the draw of a tarot card. By interpreting what they see in the cards or leaves, fortune tellers answer their clients’ questions about their lives, such as who or when they’ll marry, whether they should quit their job, or whether they should have a baby. Tarot card readings are a particularly popular way of having your future told, because they’re such a familiar method of fortune telling. More importantly, you can guide a tarot reading by asking the specific questions that are most important to you. By interpreting the cards you’ve drawn, the fortune teller may give you new insight into yourself and help you make an important decision. For some people, fortune tellers are simply amusing, but for others, they offer helpful guidance and spiritual nourishment.