Wave Regeneration Therapy (WRT)
Wave Regeneration Therapy (WRT)

Wave Regeneration Therapy (WRT)

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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
THERAPY TESTIMONIALS "We are so grateful to Dave for reaching out after my 11 year old daughter was involved in an accident that left her nerves partially paralyzed from the waist down. Lack of bladder and bowel control, neurogenic bladder, pain in her legs, muscle spasms, and a load of road rash scarring. I was willing to try anything to help her little body heal as fast as it could. We saw Dave for the first time on July 12th. After our initial session, within 36 hours, my daughter was able to urinate on the potty on her own for the first time since before her accident (early May). We were both ecstatic, and thoroughly contributed her session with Dave to the reason. We have seen him every week for the past 4 weeks as of now. Her 2nd and 3rd week were no major changes other than she just continued to progress at an amazing rate. Between week 2 and 4 we noticed an incredible change to her scars. What was a pretty heavy discoloration to her ankles, feet, and back incision from surgery, is now almost unnoticeable to the eye. She even mentioned herself "mom you can BARELY even tell there was a hole in my ankle!!" We are heading into week 5 with Dave and his "magic machine." I truly believe he is working wonders with my daughter. Her pain is lessening with her scars, her nerves are on the mend, and she herself looks forward to seeing him every week as she truly feels better afterwards. I can't wait to see how her body continues to recover with Dave's help, and we are just so thankful he was brought into our lives!" Jordan " I actually ran 2 miles this morning for the first time in years! I went slow but I felt good. Wondering if it's due to your machine. I am actually surprised I even tried to run. I have avoided even trying because every time I tried to run the last few years I ended up so upset because I couldn't do it. My right leg wouldn't cooperate. I was walking this morning and just started jogging and I was so amazed I could do it." A women with early onset Parkinson's OTHER CHANGES REPORTED BY CLIENTS: Chronic pain is gone*Soft smooth skin* Wrinkles disappearing*Improved, heightened sense of taste*New sense of wellness/improved mobility*Feel stronger/good about life in general*Dryness of skin is gone*Reduction in foot neuropathy *Hair thickens, appears denser and softer. WHY IT WORKS! When cells get sick they slow down, when diseased or injured they barely move. Cells bathed in resonant frequencies, are revived from a sleepy, tired, sickly condition to a youthful new regenerated healthy state of wellness. Many people experience some change after their first therapy session, with more significant changes after 8-10 therapy sessions. The most dramatic changes occur after 15-30 therapy sessions based on the body’s current state of health. Discover the magic of CRT therapy; it’s an amazing life changing experience that will never be forgotten. Come visit us in Northern Virginia today. MIRACLES HAPPEN HERE!

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4 years in business

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Tom R.
Jul 8, 2021
After several sessions I noticed a heightened taste of food. Cheesecake never tasted to good. After a few more I had an intangible feeling of wellness, slept through the night first time in years. I had a hard lump of skin come off my ear like a scab. I was getting up several times a night to use the bathroom, now only once. My skin and hair feel very soft, I am really pleased with the changes that have occurred.
Wave Regeneration Therapy (WRT)'s reply
Thank you for your comments. The progress we have seen in you is nothing short of remarkable.
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David Robertson

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