How much will your guitar lessons cost?

Columbus, OH 43215

Guitar Teachers on Thumbtack cost$40 - $50

Average fixed price

  • Lowest price:$30
  • Most common low price:$40
  • Most common high price:$50
  • Highest price:$70

How much do guitar lessons cost?

Guitar lessons cost $40-$70 per hour, and the average lesson is 30 or 60 minutes long. Guitar teachers often give discounts for the first lesson or for buying a package of multiple lessons.

The cost of adult guitar lessons may vary based on teacher reputation, duration of lesson, location and other factors. Prospective students can learn electric guitar, acoustic guitar and classical guitar, as well as music theory and how to read music. Instructors often teach a range of genres, including classical, blues, jazz, rock, folk and country.

Length of lesson

The longer the guitar lesson, the higher the cost because students generally pay for the instructor’s time. Teachers usually offer 30-, 45-, 60- or 90-minute sessions.

Introductory specials

Many instructors offer highly discounted intro rates to showcase their style to a student before the student commits to continued lessons or a package. For example, David Williams Music offers a $45 intro special and SHREDLAB offers a $5 first-time, 30-minute sample lesson.

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Subject matter

Many guitar teachers create packages or offer class prices based on the lesson trajectory or subject matter. For example, prices for beginner students may be lower because the lessons are more basic, while more complex lessons involving advanced music theory or techniques, may cost more per lesson.

Standard rate lesson

Some instructors price per session, regardless of the lesson focus or student’s level of experience. For example, Morgan Henry has a set rate of $65 per one hour lesson and teaches acoustic, electric and bass guitar as well as left- and right-hand techniques.


Purchasing a package of lessons typically costs less per session than paying class by class. Some instructors offer packages as an introductory promotion, such as DFW Guitar Academy in Arlington, Texas, which offers a five-week package with one 30-minute lesson each week for $99. This intro package allows the instructor to gauge the student’s needs and determine what cost factors (complexity of instruction, instruments required) will affect the overall price moving forward. SHREDLAB offers bundled lesson options, with the price per lesson decreasing the more lessons bought:

  • One 30-minute lesson: $25

  • Two 30-minute lessons: $45

  • Five 30-minute lessons: $100

  • One 45-minute lesson: $36

  • Two 45-minute lessons: $65

  • Five 45-minute lessons: $140

See which guitar teachers are top-rated in your area.

Teacher reputation

Guitar pros with years of experience, training at prestigious music schools or a certain level of fame will typically command higher rates than other teachers.


If a teacher travels to the student’s home, the cost of the lessons will include travel time, mileage and other transportation expenses. The geographic location of the teacher may also affect costs. Lessons in smaller towns and more rural areas tend to cost less per hour than in major cities.

How do we know these prices?

Millions of people ask Thumbtack for help with their projects every year. We track the estimates they get from local professionals, conduct our own research and then we share those prices with you. The prices reflected in the article above are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. Contact a professional near you to receive a personalized cost estimate for your project.


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