Creativity to Cash International, Inc.
Creativity to Cash International, Inc.

Creativity to Cash International, Inc.

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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
Because I've got a talent for "big ideas" honed in the world of advertising agencies (if you've watched Mad Men or The Pitch, you'll know what I did for over 20 years) I see your business in a larger, more conceptual way than most other copywriters who come from the direct marketing world, so you can stand out from everyone using paint-by-numbers marketing copy. I also have an innate ability to put myself in the shoes of your customer and understand instantly what tack to take in order to motivate him or her, regardless of your business, and to find the right memorable words to make your message truly resonate. Having worked on brands like IBM and Sun Microsystems, but also on consumer goods and for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs, I am a very quick study on learning the essence of your business and what makes it valuable to your customers. I love learning about my clients' businesses, helping them see what they have to offer from a new perspective, find what's unique, and using language that makes them smile and shout, "That's IT!!! " I love finding just the right words to describe how wonderful a client's product or service is...words that persuade customers to think so, too.
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Mary M.
Jun 24, 2014
Typical oversell with very exaggerated facts.
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Andrea R.
Sep 17, 2012
Lisa is my business coach. She cuts right to the chase! She is extremely perceptive in identifying issues and just as creative in finding solutions. When creating my website, her strategic writing and artistic editing made for an excellent product. The only thing that would have improved my experience would have been to spend even more hours working with her!
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Sonya R.
Sep 30, 2013
Before working with Lisa, I had copy that wasn't effective. Lisa helped take my message and write it specifically for my target audience. She understands how to write in the language of your target market. She also understands marketing with is a major benefit.
Creativity to Cash International, Inc.'s reply
Sonya, what I really loved was our collaboration. You have a great message to share and I'm honored to have been able to bring that out even more.
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Ralph F.
Oct 1, 2013
Lisa is and expert ideation person and creative writer. She and I have worked on several accounts and projects and each time she and I talk through the challenges, she is able to get to the goal line with pointed solutions that help drive the overall direction. And everything she does has either a call to action, ROI or analytics connected to it. In short I'm confident that we will get great concepts from Lisa each time we work together and she's a blast to collaborate with. Thanks Lisa!
Creativity to Cash International, Inc.'s reply
Thanks Ralph!! It's always a pleasure working with you.


  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    A good copywriter and marketing consultant will ask you a LOT of questions about your business. You should discuss things like your target market and what makes them tick, the benefits of your product or service (not simply the features) and what MAIN points or messages you should be leading with. If a writer tells you that you can put the kitchen sink in your communication, he or she is lying, or not very competent or simply saying what you want to hear. But also beware of marketing "gurus" who say they know the "secret" to writing copy that reels in customers. There are no "secrets", just solid principles anyone can understand. But some are better than others at the execution and wordsmithing.

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