Brandon Rashtian is 27 years old and has been singing for over 20 years. His musical journey began with karaoke at family gatherings, and by the 4th grade he found himself performing in choirs and in musicals. Brandon feels blessed to have been born and raised in Orange County. He believes that being raised here gave him access to the best educators this country has to offer, and that it allowed him to be involved and immersed in amazing music making. All the experiences he had had in his youth lead him to pursue an education in vocal music under Dr. Jeffrey Benson at San Jose State University and he now wants to pass the musical torch to Orange Counties next generation.
Brandon Rashtian is an ACDA member, has directed A Cappella ensembles at SJSU, toured and taught alongside the Grammy award winning educator Keith Hancock at Tesoro High School and conducted for Saddleback Community Colleges Chamber Singers.
Brandon believes singing is a completely embodied experience and sees body and breath as the driving forces behind the voice. With his decades of experience he hopes to take his students on an amazing journey to learn and love the voice!