Cheshire Cat Photo, LLC
Cheshire Cat Photo, LLC

Cheshire Cat Photo, LLC

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Since I was a child, I have had a love of the Great Outdoors that was nurtured by my parents. Much of my photography is of the natural world. My education in the biological sciences gives me a great appreciation of the interactions in nature, and the tremendous diversity in the types of ecosystems in California, and in the types of living species that inhabit them, provide the environment for my work.
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38 photos


  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    I have been doing photography since before I was 7 years old. My parents gave me a Kodak Brownie Holiday Flash, which, at that time, retailed for $4.95 ("real money" at that time, in my father's words). I formed Cheshire Cat Photo in 2007, after a 9.6% restructuring at my Silicon Valley employer eliminated my position, along with many others, and I was able to take a lifelong passion to a profession.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    When hiring a photographer, consider experience, reputation, and customer service. Most of my work with my photos occurs AFTER I release the shutter. My history of employment in customer service roles and emphasis on quality and customer service distinguishe Cheshire Cat Photo from its competition.

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