Life is beautiful, unique, subtle, enchanting and if not cherished fleeting.
Luckily at ChrisLindsayPhotography a steady hand w/ a quality camera and a good eye go a long way, so far in fact that when combined they have the ability to make time stop and who doesn't want to bask in great moments worth remembering forever? Whether your first shoot, a veteran, a new born, a retirement party, something I've never heard of or an engagement I am here to help you remember those moments that should not fade with time! My name is Chris, an Orlando resident who has worked in photography, tv & film for more than a decade. I think that life & fun are contagious and it's hard to deny how enchanting this journey we're all on is. So let's get out there, laugh, cry, swoon and shoot a few pics in-between w/ your satisfaction as paramount!See more