Parita Shah Healing
Parita Shah Healing

Parita Shah Healing

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Parita Shah incorporates Reiki, Chakra Balancing, & Integrated Energy Therapy to help clients balance their mind, body and soul. Sessions available in Midtown NYC, Long Island, NY & virtually. Energy healing is the practice of aligning our lifeforce, also known as chi, prana, or ki around the world. It’s a safe and gentle process of clearing stagnant energies from our physical, mental, emotional and subtle bodies. Overtime, we block the flow of energy with our experiences, limiting beliefs, and feelings such as shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, and distrust. Our cells, tissues, and organs can harbor thoughts and emotions that can lead to illness. Based on our energy field, we manifest health, relationships, prosperity or the lack thereof. Energy healings are opportunities for deep restoration on every level. We create a sacred space to witness yourself without judgement and with compassion. We examine the root cause of illness and suffering. This empowers us to act consciously rather than out of our subconscious programming. We discover our power in every situation. We release chords of attachment to the past. We heal trauma, memories, and energetic disturbances that hold us back. We discover the power of our intentions. In energy healing, we get clear on what it is that we want to call into our life, so that we can live deliberately and mindfully. When our energy transforms, we’re able to easily shift our perspectives and manifest wellbeing. Our body finds the perfect mental and emotional environment for physical healing. The relaxation response activates our body’s innate healing capabilities through energy healing. The body finds equilibrium and we discover our wholeness. REIKI Reiki is a holistic and natural healing modality that leaves patients relaxed and emotionally balanced. It allows you to connect to your true essence and allows your body to restore. Reiki balances the chakras, auric field and subtle body. Studies have shown that Reiki is effective in managing pain, anxiety, and recovering from surgery. It balances irregular heart rate, blood pressure and salivary cortisol. INTEGRATED ENERGY THERAPY Integrated Energy Therapy is an energy healing modality that “gets the issues out of your tissues”. IET uses the violet angelic energy ray to help to clear unresolved emotions and imprint feelings of safety, ease, forgiveness, love, and innocence in one’s energetic anatomy. We heal limiting energy patterns of your past, to empower your future. CHAKRA BALANCING Chakras are our centers of consciousness that store our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences, and memories. Energy healing helps to clear programming that no longer serve us. Balanced chakras manifest as harmony in our relationships, careers, and creative endeavors. Your body is also a manifestation of your spirit and thus chakra balancing can restore health.

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4 reviews


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Teresa F.
Jun 25, 2018
It was a amazing experience. Thank you.
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Ishita S.
Jun 28, 2018
I’ve done a few reiki sessions with Parita and I’ve always felt great afterwards. She has great healing energy and it good at what she does. The place is also clean and has a relaxing vibe to it and Parita is flexible with appointments as well. I highly recommend trying reiki with her!
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Nicky S.
Aug 1, 2018
The healing was gentle but powerful. I felt safe during the session and much more like myself afterwards. Thanks Parita!
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Samantha V.
Aug 4, 2018
Parita helped me with my chronic knee pain. I found great relief. I will be back soon.
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Parita Shah

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