- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
We offer upfront easy to understand pricing, with itemized pricing rather than single line item bulk pricing estimates. Most other reputable contractors can't come close to our prices for large jobs, we also offer competitive rates for smaller jobs too.
- What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Typically we get the details of your project first so we can totally understand the scope of your project. The next step is establishing your budget, and what you are wanting to spend to get this project done. The next step would be to go through ways in which you can save money on your project by changing small details if you wish or ways you can get more for the money using more economic construction methods and materials. We will then present you with a detailed bid, itemizing costs and fees up front. After that, the ball is in your court and you decide how you want to proceed. We usually only issue one estimate per project and the estimate is good for up to 30 days after it's issued for you to be able to sign a contract with that pricing. If you sign a contract for us to complete your project, the price never changes based the scope of work, the only time your cost would ever change with us, would be if the scope of the work has changed. In which case would need to be approved by you before any action would be taken on our part. We are full service and put you in the drivers seat as far as making decisions, and we execute your decisions with haste.
- What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
All of our specialties have years of experience in the respective trade as well as full master licences accredited by state authorities for all required work. We are a very transparent company, we always pull permits and execute your project the RIGHT way!