- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
By hiring Ali (Alison Yeadon) via the Thumbtack App, you are entering a binding agreement to pay for the services and hours worked, in full and on time, that was provided by Ali (Alison Yeadon). Note: $50.00 late fee for each week past the sent “payment request” from Ali Yeadon via the Thumbtack App will accrue. This $50.00 late fee will continue to accrue once for every week the payment from The Client has not been received by Ali (Alison Yeadon) for a total of one month past the date of the original “payment request” via the Thumbtack App. After one month, the outstanding balance will withstand, and the late fee becomes $100 for each week a past due payment has not been settled between the Client and Ali (Alison Yeadon). But I do often give discounts for kind humans!!! ❤️