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The eclectic nature of my career path has enabled me to be able to say that there aren't many life changes that I haven't personally experienced or that I haven't helped a client work through. That experience has made me very compassionate and non-judgmental. Helping clients have that "ah hah" moment of awareness that provides them with a new sense of aliveness and understanding that they are on the correct path to achieve their goal(s). I provide both life and career coaching to my clients.

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3 reviews


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Tyler B.
Jul 20, 2015

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I am a dedicated and high performing athlete and young professional. There are recent experiences in my life which made me feel as if I was dealt a hand of adversity. I started working with Christopher when I had felt misdirected, unfocused, and unhappy. I had never questioned where my power came from but was recently feeling a state of great confusion. Working with Christopher has: re-grounded me within my core values, empowered my positivity, and brought clarity in the direction of my own life. I have experienced significant emotional and social changes in my life through our work. Christopher is truly a sage and possesses a deep humble wisdom. He is an excellent listener and well-thought communicator. I continue to be awed by the number of insights into my own life that Christopher brings to the table. I am deeply grateful for all of the teachings working with Christopher. I feel that there is no topic in which he does not possess great knowledge. He is consistently positive and productive. My efforts put into our coaching relationship are multiplied through the work we do together, and he has helped me materialize positive change in my own life. I can't wait for my next meeting with Christopher where I know we will continue to move my own life.
Life Coaching
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Liza K.
Aug 31, 2017
I hired Christopher a few months ago to be my life coach. I am an attorney with three kids and a working spouse, and my issues included goal setting, time management, work/life balance, and just general home and family organization. I have never hired a coach before, but I was on the verge of a logistical work/life breakdown because I could not manage all I was doing in the hours in a day. I didn't want a therapist to work through my feelings and issues. I wanted a coach to help me figure out how to make it all work. I wasn't sure if I needed a "life coach" or more of a productivity/executive coach when I started my search. Christopher has a calm demeanor and what I loved most, after meeting a few coaches, was his honesty and desire to help me figure it all out while maintaining my sense of self and my natural "flow." Anyone can sell you a time management plan (that makes you super efficient but eliminates time for things that don't fit inside the schedule perfectly but that you love) or a "follow your dreams" type of coaching program that would lead us all to quit our jobs and become yoga teachers and writers, but Christopher was different in that he understands plans are not one size fits all, and the goal must be to break things down and set goals that work for you naturally. I liked that Christopher has worked as a lawyer and in business environments, so he understands the balance between "create a more fulfillling life" as a long term goal and the day-to-day logistics to get stuff done in the meantime. While I was reading organization and self help books before I got a coach, the great thing with coaching with Christopher was helping me to implement new things, trying one to three things per week and incrementally adjusting what worked and didn't work, so that piece by piece, my life just felt better. He helped me on the personal/home side and professional/business side, but Christopher would be perfect for students, working professionals, people in jobs that require self-motivation, or even stay at home parents. He helped me get it together in a lot of ways. My life is still stressful because it is busy, but I will say it is 100 times more under control after having Christopher as my life coach. I am more relaxed and fulfilled.
Time and Organizational Management
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Bart N.
Dec 10, 2016

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Christopher is one of the most capable professionals I've worked with. The man was born to be a coach. The timbre of his voice, the lifetime of experience, the focused way he listens are some of the tools he wields like a master craftsman to help identify and resolve problems. He was able to help me resolve a challenge I'd been dealing with for years in days and then set me on a path I'd been wanting to travel. I highly recommend Christopher Scott Taylor as a career or life coach. Just talking with the man puts you at ease.
Career Coaching
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Christopher Taylor

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