*Pricing listed towards end
*Please just be mindful that Thumbtack charges us up to $100 for EACH person and each time that someone clicks to reach out on here. I really really am here to help and love chatting with ladies that are serious about making a change 💜
*My business is 100% online/virtual
*I do not accept insurance
*My specialty is women's weight loss and lifestyle, ladies that have had a long-term struggle with dieting, juggling a crazy busy schedule as a mom/wife/career woman, navigating perimenopause, working towards a healthier relationship with food and mindset change, and making this a forever change this time
*I only offer the services in this profile: my coaching program
*I do not offer packages tailored to couples/families at this time
*I do not currently work in the area of prenatal
*After reaching out, it's a super simple/casual process- I will text your phone directly and send the link to my program video/inquiry form. This takes you just 5-7 min and gives you more insight into who I help/how I work, and then by getting all of your struggles in one spot on the form, I'll be able to learn exactly what you need help with and your big problem areas. We'll chat via text (or Instagram DM) over a couple days or so based on the details from your form and from there we will explore program options for you and getting you started!
Hi everyone! My name is Devin. I'm the owner of Steele Nutrition, LLC and a registered dietitian and Board Certified Specialist in Weight Management (CSOWM). I am completely passionate about what I do! I work with women that are mainly between the ages 35-55 that have dieted for as long as they remember, and/or are completely busy with all things life and that struggle to find time to take care of themselves being a busy mom, working, taking care of a family, and also trying to be on their OWN journey! Another main area of focus is all the challenges that perimenopause brings. Things that maybe used to work in the past just don't anymore and you're working your way through all these new changes and struggles with your body (think weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings, poor sleep, hair loss, feeling more stressed or anxious than usual, etc). It can be so confusing and overwhelming to understand what the heck to actually do anymore, when to eat, how much to eat, finding the time to cook/meal prep, how to break the "all-or-nothing" mentality, how to break the yo-yo dieting and restrictive eating patterns, get past cravings, stress eating, emotional eating, guilty feelings surrounding food, etc. It's literally EXHAUSTING. You'll learn everything you need to know (in a simple way) in order to get the results and have this be sustainable when you're on your own later, as a forever thing (finally)!
My program is 6 months in length and the price you see listed is for the investment of the entire program- $347/mo. You can pay in full and get a 10% discount. I also accept monthly installments, weekly installments, and Affirm as well.
- 1:1 private checkins 2x a month for troubleshooting and coaching
- 1:1 food journal review & feedback throughout the week (via private app Healthie)
- 2 live group Zooms monthly (w/access to replays)
- Private Facebook Community with myself and other like-minded women
- Abundant resource library for recipes, guides, lessons, & tons of detailed learning materials
... but the biggest thing you're "getting" is a resolution to your struggles finally and being able to get to your end goals/forever results 💜
Just a few of the things you are going to learn and be able to take with you for the rest of your life after working together:
-How to put meals together you love + balance
-Sustainable weight loss WHILE eating all of your fav foods and without crazy restrictions
-Meal planning/prepping
-Timing of meals
-Unraveling diet culture
-Establishing consistency in nutrition/exercise
-Navigating all things perimenopause
-Juggling your goals as a busy mom/wife/career woman
-Reversing/managing health conditions
-Ordering at restaurants
-Navigating special events/holidays/traveling
-Conquering cravings/hunger/nighttime eating/stress eating/emotional eating
-Mindset work/behavior change/habit building
-A true lifestyle change you can maintain forever
You will have all the tools you need if you're serious about making this change and getting the results and I can't wait to help you get there!