7 ways to make your home more pet-friendly.


By Jenna Lea Kelland

Your pet’s been at it again. Picture this: You come home from a long day, turn the key in the lock, push open the door, take a look around your sanctuary — and gaze in horror at your chewed-up couch cushions, unrolled toilet tissue and overturned garbage bin.

Gasp, moan or curse to your heart’s content — but it’s not going to fix the problem. You need to do something that prevents such misdemeanors from happening again.

Home projects that pay off for you and your pet.

Whether you're welcoming an untrained furchild into your home, anticipating the arrival of your latest foster, moving into a new house or just protecting your domain, it's a good idea to pet-proof your home for your pet's safety — and your own sanity.

Ideally, you should think about how to best protect your pet — and your home — before those furry paws cross your threshold in the first place. But, hey, you’re excited to have a new bff. We get it.

Good news: It's never too late to make pet-friendly improvements. From the kitchen to the backyard and every room in between, we have the best dog- and cat-proofing tips out there so you can avoid the scene above — and make sure your furry companion is safe in every corner of your home.

These projects will earn you a gold star as a pet parent — and actually boost your home’s value to future buyers.

1. Facilitate some freedom with a door flap.

pet door flap

Most pets love to explore outdoors. Even your fancy feline may venture out for a toilet break every now and then. Installing a pet door is an important step in preparing your home. Here's why:

  • It's good for their health. If your pet — especially your pup — cannot step out for long periods of time, it can lead to urinary tract infections. Avoid the pain, discomfort, mess and expense that comes with this unfortunate experience.
  • You won't have to deal with stains. Even the most attentive pet owners don’t always know when their pet really needs to go. Avoid stinks and stains by giving your cat or dog a convenient means of egress.
  • It provides security for your pet, the home and you. Guard dogs can run outside if they sense any unwelcome guests, and you won't have to worry about trapping them outdoors in extreme weather.

Related: Hire a pet door installation professional near you.

2. Fence off unsafe areas.

dog fence yardPrevent your pets from jumping into your pool, digging up your veggie patch or running into traffic. Installing a fence that is strong, stable and an appropriate height can save your pet's life and keep your vegetable patch in top shape.

After you build your fence, remember to routinely walk around it to check for weak spots and holes that your pet may have furrowed.

For the feline that loves scaling walls or the pup who wants to join passing joggers, you can consider an invisible fence. An invisible fence uses gentle static correction or sound irritants to keep your pet within its boundaries. It works with radio signals between an underground electrical wire and a receiver on your pet's collar. So the next time your cat wants to run into the road, the invisible fence will keep them safe and sound. 

Related: How much does an invisible dog fence cost?

3. Build a balcony to your pet’s specs.

pet balconyFor a bouncy Jack Russell or the cat on its ninth life, a balcony addition could be a life-saving project for your house. Hire a professional to calculate the right height and space between railings to keep your pet from slipping through the gaps.

Find the right handyman for your project.

4. Upgrade to pet-friendly flooring.

pet friendly flooringWhen it comes to suitable flooring for pets, you want something that’s resistant to stains and sharp claws — but also aesthetically pleasing. If you’re way beyond the point of prevention and you need to renovate ruined floors, here are some considerations to discuss with your flooring professional:

  • Luxury vinyl flooring is thick, durable, affordable, scratch-resistant and available in any design and color to suit your interior. It's also sound-absorbent and possibly one of the best options for homes with pets.
  • Sealed concrete is a modern flooring option that can work well for pets. It's hard and impervious to stains, and you can always soften the feel on your feet with a well-chosen rug that you can easily clean if your pet has an accident. But avoid polished concrete, as it can be slippery and dangerous for everyone in the home, furbabies included.
  • Bamboo has a high hardness rating and may be a better option than hardwood. This scratch-resistant surface also repels moisture and stains due to the manufacturing process. The downside? You may get tired of hearing your pet's claws clicking, as this material does not absorb sound.
  • Natural cork resists the growth of mold and bacteria. This material has a similar aesthetic to hardwood, is resilient and absorbs sound. Keep those claws trimmed, though, as it's not scratch-proof.
  • Ceramic or porcelain tiles are pretty impenetrable for cat or dog claws. Once glazed, tiles are resistant to moisture and stains — and you’ll have endless pattern, color and design options.

Related: Best flooring for dogs and pets.

5. Deep-clean your carpet.

carpet cleaningSometimes we have to make the most of what we’ve got — and that may include a carpet that’s not so pet-friendly. Renters in particular may face restrictions from carpet-loving landlords.

Carpets are not very forgiving, but spraying your carpet with a protective sealant before your furfriend moves in — or budgeting for a deep-clean every few months can make a world of difference. Having a few rugs around the home can also protect heavy-traffic areas. 

If you love the warmth of carpeting in your home, there are some materials that can withstand pets. Nylon, wool, olefin and other plastic-fiber materials are durable, easy to clean and abrasion-resistant. 

6. Safety tips, per room.

pet proofing tips for every roomKeeping your fluffy friend safe is your responsibility as a caring pet parent. Unfortunately, there may be several poisons and choking hazards in your home that can bring them harm. Walk through your interior and exterior and note these common dangers.


  • Secure bin lids to keep kitties and dogs from overturning garbage cans, which can create a headache for you and a potentially life-threatening situation for your pet. 
  • Hire a handyman to install a gate to your kitchen entrance — especially if your pet is swift enough to sneak snacks from the countertop.
  • A bouncy pup or overly curious cat can knock boiling pots off stoves and come across all sorts of dangers. Install a stove guard or barrier to keep them from harm’s way.
  • Hide foods that are toxic to pets, and place them out of reach. Some common culprits include grapes, raisins, chocolate, garlic, onions, nuts and pantry items containing the sweetener xylitol. 
  • Always keep the dishwasher, cupboards and fridge/freezer doors closed when not in use for pets who love to sneak into tight spaces.
  • Place knives put away and placed away from the counter edge when in use.

Living room and home office:

  • Hide electrical cables from pets who love to chew.
  • Buy a fireplace screen to protect your pet from burns. 
  • Securely store firestarter logs — they may contain heavy metals that can be poisonous to pets if chewed on. 
  • Add some anti-scratch tape to couch corners that your kitty loves to destroy.
  • Cover your HVAC vents so that small pets avoid exploring them.
  • Keep choking hazards like rubber bands and small office supplies out of reach.
  • Many indoor plants are hazardous to pets. Do some research before adding plants to your home.
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Bathrooms and laundry rooms:

  • Store medicines, topical creams and cleaning supplies in a secure cabinet.
  • Keep the toilet lid shut and drain baths after use.
  • Appliances like tumble driers may appeal to cats who want a cozy place to sleep. Keep the doors closed on these appliances.
  • Store your medicine in an inaccessible place.
  • Pick up choking hazards like cotton swabs, makeup accessories and hair ties.


  • Keep wardrobe and closet doors closed so your cat doesn't get trapped.
  • Store small items like jewelry or hair ties in a closed container. 
  • Make a cozy corner for your pet with their bed and toys.


  • Keep sharp, heavy and dangerous tools or small bits of hardware out of reach.
  • Make sure your pet can’t access rodent and insect traps or poisons. 
  • Secure paints, toxic chemicals and de-icing compounds in a locked cupboard. 
  • Ensure your dog or cat is safely inside the home before you shut garage doors. 

7. Don’t forget the yard.

dog proofing yard

Exercise for your pet is essential to their health and wellbeing. And what better place to run off excess energy than the backyard? Cats and dogs love to explore, dig, chew and wander the outdoors, so it's essential to make sure they have a safe space to do just that. Here’s where to start:

  • Restrict access to the pool with a fence, pool cover or net.
  • Secure any weaknesses in your fence. Fences keep your pet in, but they can also keep threatening wildlife out. 
  • Remove toxic plants and replace them with safer ones.
  • Lock up the yard shed that could contain fertilizers or garden poisons.
  • Provide a space for your pet that is shady and cool. 
  • Give your pet fresh water daily — inside and outside the home. 
  • Allocate a specific area for digging, and train your pup to use it when they feel the urge to burrow, bury or roll in the sand.
  • Close compost heaps so your dog or cat can’t jump inside. 
  • Slug, snail, rodent or insect bait can harm your pet. Buy pet-friendly products or restrict access to these items.

Thumbtack pros can help pet-proof your home.

While you’re pondering all the potential hazards in your home — or eyeing that stained floor — you can start taking steps to pet-proof your home. Download Thumbtack, hire a top-rated professional and get your house in top shape for your furry best friend.

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