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ESL (English as a Second Language) Lessons

Sapo Pjl says, "(Translated by Google) Finding time in my busy schedule to attend a language school was a challenge, so I opted for online classes as a solution. This allowed me to maintain my work routine and take classes at home or anywhere else, whenever I had a free moment. However, I was unsure about the effectiveness of online classes, as I had never tried them before. I then decided to start online classes with Sandrine to improve my English. At first, I faced some difficulties due to my limited knowledge of the language. However, Professor Sandrine's patience and attentive guidance were fundamental to my progress. I soon realized that online classes with her were highly effective. His teaching method captivated me, since from the first day we communicated in English, which allowed me to quickly learn to form simple sentences and gain confidence in the language. I am immensely grateful for your dedication and recommend your classes to anyone who wants to learn English in a practical and engaging way. Thank you very much for everything, Sandrine! I highly recommend it!(Original)Encontrar tempo em minha agenda lotada para frequentar uma escola de idiomas era um desafio, ento optei por aulas online como soluo. Isso me permitiu manter minha rotina de trabalho e realizar as aulas em casa ou em qualquer outro lugar, sempre que tivesse um momento livre. No entanto, estava na dvida quanto eficcia das aulas online, j que nunca havia experimentado antes. Decidi ento iniciar as aulas online com a Sandrine para melhorar meu ingls. No incio, enfrentei algumas dificuldades por ter um conhecimento limitado do idioma. No entanto, a pacincia e a orientao atenciosa da professora Sandrine foram fundamentais para meu progresso. Logo percebi que as aulas online com ela eram altamente eficazes. Seu mtodo de ensino me cativou, pois desde o primeiro dia nos comunicamos em ingls, o que me permitiu aprender rapidamente a formar frases simples e a ganhar confiana no idioma. Estou imensamente grato por sua dedicao e recomendo suas aulas a todos que desejam aprender ingls de forma prtica e envolvente. Muito obrigado por tudo, Sandrine! Super recomendo!"See more


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estimated price

Sapo Pjl says, "(Translated by Google) Finding time in my busy schedule to attend a language school was a challenge, so I opted for online classes as a solution. This allowed me to maintain my work routine and take classes at home or anywhere else, whenever I had a free moment. However, I was unsure about the effectiveness of online classes, as I had never tried them before. I then decided to start online classes with Sandrine to improve my English. At first, I faced some difficulties due to my limited knowledge of the language. However, Professor Sandrine's patience and attentive guidance were fundamental to my progress. I soon realized that online classes with her were highly effective. His teaching method captivated me, since from the first day we communicated in English, which allowed me to quickly learn to form simple sentences and gain confidence in the language. I am immensely grateful for your dedication and recommend your classes to anyone who wants to learn English in a practical and engaging way. Thank you very much for everything, Sandrine! I highly recommend it!(Original)Encontrar tempo em minha agenda lotada para frequentar uma escola de idiomas era um desafio, ento optei por aulas online como soluo. Isso me permitiu manter minha rotina de trabalho e realizar as aulas em casa ou em qualquer outro lugar, sempre que tivesse um momento livre. No entanto, estava na dvida quanto eficcia das aulas online, j que nunca havia experimentado antes. Decidi ento iniciar as aulas online com a Sandrine para melhorar meu ingls. No incio, enfrentei algumas dificuldades por ter um conhecimento limitado do idioma. No entanto, a pacincia e a orientao atenciosa da professora Sandrine foram fundamentais para meu progresso. Logo percebi que as aulas online com ela eram altamente eficazes. Seu mtodo de ensino me cativou, pois desde o primeiro dia nos comunicamos em ingls, o que me permitiu aprender rapidamente a formar frases simples e a ganhar confiana no idioma. Estou imensamente grato por sua dedicao e recomendo suas aulas a todos que desejam aprender ingls de forma prtica e envolvente. Muito obrigado por tudo, Sandrine! Super recomendo!"

Q & A

Answers to commonly asked questions from the experts on Thumbtack.

How do you study for the SAT?

Your SAT prep strategy can mean the difference between a great score and a mediocre score, as well as the difference between being accepted to or rejected by your school of choice. The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is a college entrance exam that measures a student’s knowledge and understanding of what they have learned up to this point in school and what they need to succeed in college. In addition to arming students with the knowledge they need to excel in the math, reading and writing components of the test, SAT prep can help improve scores by teaching students crucial strategies for taking the test itself. Professional SAT prep tutors can work with students one-on-one or in group sessions. Typically, tutors recommend that students who are comfortable and caught up with their regular schooling begin SAT prep at least three months before the test. If you’re targeting an elite school, six months before the test is a good time to begin. Students who are behind in school are advised to start early to ensure they’re caught up and feeling confident in all the relevant subjects. Suggestions for long-term SAT prep include taking challenging high school courses, completing all homework assignments, preparing for class tests and quizzes, and participating in class by asking and answering questions. There are free SAT prep training tools online; for those who’d like a one-on-one tutor to take them to the next level, the national average rate is $70 per hour.

How do I prepare for the GMAT?

If you’re thinking of enrolling in graduate school to earn your MBA, it’s time to start thinking about preparing for the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Working with a GMAT tutor is for many people a wise investment to help you strengthen the academic areas you may be weak in and improving your overall test score. A GMAT prep tutor should teach you not only the kind of information you need to know for the test, but the best test-taking strategies. The GMAT tests you on four categories: quantitative, verbal, integrated reasoning, and an analytical writing assessment. Cramming is probably not going to give you good results for this standardized test; give yourself between two and six months to prepare, focusing on your most challenging areas first. Successful GMAT prep means planning ahead and studying thoroughly. Those students who reported studying under 75 hours were more likely to score 400 or lower on the test, while students who studied 121 hours or more were more likely to score 700 or higher on the test. Hiring a GMAT prep tutor can range in price from under $50 to over $200 per hour.

What is ACT test prep?

The ACT is a college entrance exam taken by students (typically in their junior year of high school) to determine admission eligibility and merit-based scholarship eligibility. The test may be taken as many times as desired and is not limited to high school juniors. Originally the acronym stood for American College Testing, but now ACT is the stand-alone name. ACT prep is a way for students to strategically prepare for test-taking. ACT prep helps students improve scores, practice taking the test, learn test-taking strategies, and improve material comprehension. Students can get help with ACT prep tutors in one-on-one sessions, via group tutoring lessons, in online self-study programs, or online with a tutor in video calls. The ACT test covers:

  • English
  • Science understanding and reasoning
  • Math
  • Reading
  • Writing essay (optional)

How do you prepare for the ACT?

The ACT is a universally accepted college readiness exam. There are multiple ways to prepare for the exam. One-on-one ACT prep tutoring is one of the most effective ways for students to ready themselves for the test. A tutor who specializes in ACT prep will coach the student on the type of material they can expect while also working specifically with topics that are more challenging for that particular student. Group tutoring sessions are a more cost-effective way to reap the benefits of an ACT prep instructor; a suggestion is to gather a group of four friends or classmates to share the cost. Professional tutors often recommend that test prep begin approximately three months prior to the exam. Cramming — unfortunately — doesn’t provide the same score results as consistent study, test-related homework, and practice exams do. Weekly two-hour learning sessions are what many pro tutors suggest for their college exam prep students. For top test-taking performance, tutors usually provide work throughout the week and the weekly session is used to cement knowledge and address weak areas. Math is a hard topic for most students, so plan accordingly.

How many questions are on the ACT test?

There are 215 total questions on the ACT test. The ACT covers four academic areas and students have 175 minutes total to complete the test. For students who opt to take the ACT writing test, there will be a written essay (in addition to the standard ACT topics), which students will have 40 minutes to complete. For ACT prep, it’s wise to study the material that will be covered within each academic category and take practice tests to become comfortable with the format.

The English test has 75 questions that must be completed within 45 minutes. The math test has 60 questions with a 60-minute time limit. The reading test has 40 questions and 35 minutes total. The science test has 40 questions that must be completed in 35 minutes. Tutors may recommend taking the test more than once as part of the ACT prep training, with the goal of improving your overall score each time. Official ACT recommendations urge students to answer each question on test day, even if it is a guess, as there is no penalty for guessing.

When should you start preparing for the SAT?

It’s never too early to start preparing for college entrance exams, but professional tutors recommend a baseline of at least three months before the test. The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is the gold standard for college admissions, and SAT prep is important for doing well. Your child’s SAT scores will have a major effect on which colleges send acceptance letters. Professional tutors can work with your kids to coach them on how to take the SAT, as well as studying the actual academic content. Doing well on the SAT is as much about knowing the right test-taking strategies as about having a firm grasp of the subject matter.

To understand your student’s readiness for the SAT, they can take the pre-SAT (PSAT) starting in their sophomore year. SAT prep can be structured around the student’s PSAT scores, so tutors can address any challenges and weak subject areas. If your child has their sights set on an Ivy League or elite school, SAT prep with a tutor or study program should start at least six months before the test. Vocabulary is a key element of the student’s SAT preparation and success. The national average rate for SAT prep tutoring is $70 per hour.

How long does the ACT take?

Total time for the ACT is 2 hours and 55 minutes. If students elect to do the optional writing section, the ACT will be 3 hours and 35 minutes. The ACT college entrance exam has multiple sections. The students receive a set amount of time for each section, within which they complete as much of that category as possible before they must stop. For each timed section, there is a five-minute warning before time is up. There is a 10-minute break between the math and reading sections. When tutors coach students in ACT prep, they can provide timed runs to simulate the experience of taking the different subject matter tests. As part of ACT prep, it’s important to take the entire exam at least once as a practice run. Here is a breakdown of timing and number of questions for each section.

  • ACT English test: 45 minutes for 75 questions that test students’ understanding of standard English rules, production of writing, and vocabulary.
  • ACT mathematics test: 60 minutes for 60 questions that test students’ understanding of math skills up to the start of senior year of high school.  
  • Ten-minute break.
  • ACT reading test: 35 minutes for 40 questions that measure students’ reading comprehension.
  • ACT science test: 35 minutes for 40 questions that measure students’ understanding and problem-solving skills in the realm of natural sciences.
  • ACT writing test: 40-minute written essay that will measure students' writing skills.


What are the subjects on the ACT?

English, mathematics, reading, and science are the four main subjects on the ACT. Writing is an optional subject students can select when they register to take the test. The subjects were determined as a way to test the sum total of knowledge and comprehension that the students have accumulated up until the start of their senior year of high school. ACT prep breaks down each subject of the ACT test so the student understands what type of questions they will encounter and to provide them with strategies for answering questions. Doing well on the ACT is not only about academic smarts. Learning the nuances of taking a standardized test can greatly improve a student’s test scores. On the ACT, each of the four subjects is broken into subsections to test the students’ understanding in that area. The official ACT website provides free online ACT prep tools for each section, including English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing.

What is in the SAT test?

As your child is preparing for the SAT, it’s helpful to know the specifics of the test. The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is made up of three main categories and one optional essay. Students have a total of three hours to take the test, with an additional 50 minutes for the optional essay. In total, there are 154 questions. During SAT prep, it’s helpful to take timed practice exams to understand how you’ll do during the actual test. Here is a brief overview of each of the four categories:

  • Reading: 65 minutes with 52 questions. The Reading test measures command of evidence, words in context, analysis in history and social studies, and analysis in science.
  • Writing and Language: 35 minutes with 44 questions. The Writing and Language test covers the same topics as Reading, as well as expression of ideas and standard English conventions.
  • Math: 80 minutes with 58 questions. The Math test looks at the student’s understanding of algebra, problem-solving and data analysis, and advanced math in the context of fluency, conceptual understanding, and applications.
  • Essay (optional): 50 minutes with 1 essay. The essay will demonstrate the student’s competency with writing, analysis and reading.

Is the ACT online?

The ACT college entrance exam is not offered for students to take remotely online. The testing takes place at designated testing centers and follows very specific rules put in place to prevent cheating. Since 2013, some schools that are part of statewide or district-wide administration of the ACT have an online version of the test that students can take within the testing center on a scheduled testing day. In fall 2017, an online computer adaptive version of the ACT became available for international students to test from afar. There are ACT prep tests available online for a fee and also free of charge. For ACT prep, it’s advisable to practice taking the test with the format you will be formally tested in. Most testing centers still provide the pencil-and-paper format, so remember to bring sharpened No. 2 pencils with healthy erasers. For those students who are unable to take the ACT at a designated testing location because they live too far away or have a religious conflict with the date, a request for arranged testing is available. If the request is approved, at no additional charge (beyond the test-taking fee), a proctor will oversee test-taking at the student’s location. Registration to take the ACT is typically done online.

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