Balance Point Personal Evolution School
Balance Point Personal Evolution School

Balance Point Personal Evolution School

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Paul Crockett is a masterful and extraordinary teacher of the nature of reality, transformative processes and universal principles. He provides telephone sessions for his teachings and exploring avenues for achieving aspirations and goals. Paul is very interested in working with individuals who have a desire to deepen personal understanding, are on the path of self-discovery, and regard themselves capable of attaining wisdom. The individuals who are attracted naturally to the teachings Paul has to offer are those seeking the personalized attention and comprehensive learning experience that he offers.
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Darlene W.
Jan 8, 2013
I have had sessions with Paul as needed during the past 40 years. Paul knows; doesn't guess. He has humor and allows a person to grow and see as a person is ready. Individualized learning. He's there when you need him to guide, to teach, to listen.
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Holly K.
Jan 8, 2013
Paul helped me get my life straightened out. He is a wonderful sage/counselor who can help you get what you want out of your life. He is honest and real. If you need help, Paul is the person to seek.
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Anita R.
Jan 8, 2013
My session with Paul was 90 minutes and I wish it could have been much longer. Paul has a way of getting to the heart of the issue and assisting in finding the answers to what you are seeking or clarifying issues into terms that make sense. His manner is straight forward yet gentle. He helps you come to the consiousness you have bee looking for. I feel comfortable talking to Paul about any topic and know that this will bring me. My meeting with Paul was in person and I look forward to talking to him again soon on the phone or otherwise. Everyone will find his sessions well worth the time and effort. You will wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
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Shirley M.
Jan 12, 2013
Paul Crockett is an epiphanous teacher. He listens and reflects. He lights your path so that you may walk in healing epiphanies. Merriem Webster says it best: "unusually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something." I'm unable to say it any better. When I was quite young, Paul gave me Guide Posts to live by & I have. He gave me a foundation to build on for my spiritual life and I will always love him for it. A golden opportunity for those who seek him out as Teacher. You'll love him too.
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Art B.
Jan 18, 2013
If you are looking for meaning in your life, for a way to change your routine, interested in exploring deeply how the universe works, or simply needing a wise counselor with whom to exchange ideas, Paul Crockett is your man. I have known and worked with Paul for more than 40 years, and in that time I have seen him help people of all ages cure themselves, extract themselves from bad situations, achieve success in their work, or come to a place in themselves where they find deep understanding and satisfaction with their place in the universe. Paul will help you in ways you may only understand after some time, but even a one-time session with him will benefit you.


  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    See what your intuition tells you. Ask lots of questions. Do what resonates with you, however give it some time. Two shorter sessions might be better than one long one so you have time and space to process your experience.

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