Health is wealth! Coming from an athletic background being in shape and healthy has always been a necessary anchor in my life. My great passion is helping others become the best version of themselves, whatever that may be. I have worked with all kinds of great individuals each coming from different backgrounds. From professional athletes, actors, models, to a grandparent seeking to pick up their grandkids! I specialize in body fat reduction(toning) /muscle gain/ life coaching/ functional fitness. When training clients I do not just focus on exercises, I focus on the quality of the lifestyle as well. Besides being very in depth in nutrition I work with my clients on sleep, gut inflammation, gluten sensitivities, autoimmune issues (eczema, IBS, etc) stress control, and overall bettering one’a performance in/ outside of gym. Some of my competitors are cheaper rates, however I always make sure each one of my clients is completely taken care of with all their needs.