Your Tutor At Home provides tutoring for students at home. It helps students of all ages understand the materials and concepts necessary for them to succeed at school.
This program offers many benefits to students as well as parents. For instance, students can work at their own pace, review the materials as many times as they need to understand and grab the concepts, and they can practice and master the skills they’ve learned. As for parents, this program allows them to save time driving back and forth to a center, so they can concentrate on the tasks at hand. This, also, allow parents to know exactly what their children are working on and see their progress; and not have to ponder what their children might have or not have learned/covered at a tutoring center.
Our goals are to provide the most efficient ways to learn online with the ability to remain home and work at a comfortable pace; to be able to reach and help out as many students as possible all over the globe; the most important, to help students succeed and build confidence along the way.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to help students not feel intimidated and retaliated when confronted with a challenging problem; but rather to face it with confidence and use the concepts we taught them to approach the problem and solve it. As we grow, we seek to help as many students as possible. As it is our mission to aid students in not getting frustrated and overwhelmed with school.
About The Owner:
Nathalie graduated with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and a minor in Business Administration. She has over twelve years of tutoring experience. She is very patient, flexible, and very professional. She has worked with different types of students and helped many advances and reach their goals. Her main focuses, however, were to help students with learning difficulties. During that time, she has developed strategies and tactics to aid these students to learn and understand the materials while building self-confidence along the way.
Why Build her Website:
She has decided to build her website to help more students around the world understand and learn the fundamentals and concepts necessary to advance and improve in their studies. Her main reason, however, is to be able to help any type of students with or without learning disabilities to learn in a very fundamental way. After doing a lot of research on tutoring websites she had decided to build this website to improve students’ learning process and their understanding. As for the breakdown of materials, they are very basic and comprehensible. Throughout her tutoring sessions, she had found out that students don’t hate school without a reason. This reason is most students don’t understand the materials and are expected to do the work. How can they do it? If they don’t even know how to begin the work. Due to this, they feel disappointed and see no point in putting the effort in. This leads them to lose self-confidence in their abilities, which later reflects on their attitudes toward school and their grades.