Sound Rivers
Sound Rivers

Sound Rivers

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My primary instrument for sound healing is the didgeridoo, the ancient drone instrument first played by the Aborigines of Australia. I use didgeridoo, along with tuning forks, crystal bowls and voice to either gently move stuck energy, or ease over-stimulated energy into stillness and relaxation. The vibrations give you a massage from the inside out, relaxing you and freeing your body's ability to heal itself. Blockages and imbalances in the body alter the vibrations of cells, organs, systems or energies resulting in dis-ease. Rhythmic and vibrational music re-align these unbalanced vibrations and create more harmony. These sessions are recommended for people who have immune system disorders, low energy, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, constipation, creative blocks, TMJ, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and more. Create the spaciousness your body needs, so that the elements of earth, air, fire and water can be balanced and combine freely for a healthy life.
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Alan W.
Aug 10, 2011
Elise is my didge teacher and I admire her. I have seen the healing effects of her didge playing many times over the past 7 years or so, including on me. What she does works!
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Maria H.
Aug 15, 2011
Not only is Elise a phenomenal didge player and teacher, she is an exceptional sound healer. She did sound healing with me when I was devastated by the unexpected death of my brother. With compassion and sensitivity Elise found where I was carrying the sorrow in my body and through the sustained grounding sounds of her didge I was able to release my pain. I vowed then to learn how to play this amazing instrument and have a wonderful teacher in Elise.
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Pamela D.
Aug 21, 2011
Elise is a healer rooted in the sacred 5 elements. She is generous, playful and a wonderful conduit through her music and clear insight. She has called the "one who can heal" out from within me and supported my personal healing journey through lyme disease and PTSD. I am so very grateful for her spirited presence in my life. I trust her commitment to Truth and community.


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