*PLEASE NOTE: I currently only have Tuesday/Thursday at 5pm and Saturday/Sunday at 12pm available.
**MY RATE: $150 session.
*NASM certified Personal Trainer/Nutrition Coach, LLC, insured in NYC for over 12 years
*Optimal approach to over all well being
*Train in your buildings gym(for Manhattan, Brooklyn or Queens only), my SOHO(GymNYC) or Long Island City location(Aneva).
Background on Ramon’s fitness journey:
I was overweight most of my pre-teens through my early - mid teens. I began dieting and learning how to lift weights through the help of my older brother who became a personal trainer. I remember how satisfying the feeling was to me to no longer feel embarrassed at the beach, and to have others start finding me attractive. The most rewarding feeling has been to just feel comfortable in my own skin and sharing what I’ve learned with others. I also specialize in rehabilitation exercises[injury can be an eye-opening experience!]. I know what it means to want to move pain free and how to accomplish it.
I want you to experience the feeling I had when I first accomplished my goals, I want you to know the joy of having your lifestyle completely changed for the best with all that comes through health and fitness. I want you to know what it is to have a healthy mind, body and spirit. I want to help you accomplish your goals. I want you to move the way your body was intended to move. You and I will partner together and you will accomplish what we set out for you to do with patience, self-acceptance, HARD WORK and dedication. If you're looking for some "get ripped quick" ponzi-type scheme or to meet less than 3x per week, I AM NOT the trainer for you. I don't have some magic exercise or pill or one size fits all type regimen for you. What I do provide: 18+years of diet, exercise and scientific programming experience, ACCOUNTABILITY, reliability(meaning you have to show up because I ALWAYS do), punctuality, acceptance and guidance. When you decide you’re ready to change your life, contact me.
Good health to you!