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Our work is design-oriented, not by the narrow notion of simply making something look good, but by a truer definition of creating elegant solutions for clearly understood problems. We help with both the understanding and the creating. We love the opportunity to marry the skillsets of talented people with complex and important problems. We also take pleasure in the joy of building things.

6 employees

14 years in business

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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    If you're hiring someone to create an online version of your print brochure, you're wasting your money. Just like the computer is far more valuable than its original application as a calculator, the web can do so much more than host images and text. Hire someone who gets that and will leverage the medium to give you as much as possible.

  • What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

    There are firms that will low-bid a project and stop development at some point where it is no longer profitable to them. There are others who will high-bid a project and do the same. We finish every project we start. We deliver on our promises and can provide references to clients who will attest to that.

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