Compassionate Body Listening and EFT
Compassionate Body Listening and EFT

Compassionate Body Listening and EFT

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I love supporting my clients to discover and act on their life's purpose and work through any spiritual issues they are experiencing. EFT can be very effective for identifying our deepest needs, desires and fears and replacing neural pathways that are stuck in patterns that are holding us back, and replacing them with loving acceptance and new more effective beliefs that support us, that affirm our divine worth and life purpose. I value the fundamental importance of compassion towards myself and others to bring about change in the world. Within my coaching and EFT facilitation, I therefore specialize in helping people generate compassion for themselves. This approach helps my clients to accept habits that are getting in their way, traumatic triggers or limiting beliefs and help to transform these neurological pathways to more nurturing, effective and helpful pathways. I love helping my clients feel better in themselves and to see the change that this work can bring

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8 years in business

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Roxanna Rawson

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