Allow me the privilege to make your special day more magical, fun and less stressful. As a Wedding Officiant, I do more than just officiate your wedding ceremony and sign off on your wedding license. I take a more active role to make an already stressful event, more relaxed and smooth. I will ascertain all the signatures needed for your wedding license so you can enjoy your reception party. Also, I absolutely love sitting down with a nice engaged couple and writing their custom wedding vows. And focusing on the details of the vow, such as the selected reading, active involvement and verbiage. I want to know are you a repeat after me type of person (saying your vows out loud makes a statement), or are you a little stage shy and are more of an “I do” couple. I also help assist with the rehearsal prior to the ceremony and have been known to wrangle in a few groomsmen who are not paying attention. I am 100% here for you, because you already have enough on your plate.