Trey Albright
Trey Albright

Trey Albright

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By taking the time to help students over come all obsticles in their pratice. Helping people improve is a great feeling.

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Gretchen M.
Mar 15, 2016
I have taken yoga classes on and off for more than a decade. I have taken classes with Trey for about six months. There are so many things I love about Trey's classes: 1) Trey actually knows what he is doing. He is a GOOD yoga teacher. You would think that would be basic but I have had far more bad teachers than good. 2) Trey is very supportive and patient. We all have good days and challenging days. Whatever kind of yoga day I am having, Trey is encouraging and reminds me that tomorrow will be another day. 3) Trey is not one of those teachers whose goal seems to be to whip students through as many poses as possible in an hour. He takes the time in each posture to help us understand the end goal, adjust us, help us deepen our practice, and make the micro-adjustments that create progress. 4) Trey is also great at gearing the class to the level of his students, giving "advancements" to more experienced students when we have new students in the class. I actually had a yoga teacher try to teach full headstands in a Level 2 class. I appreciate Trey because it's great to stretch yourself (pun not intended) but it's stupid, and a great way to injure yourself, to do things you simply aren't ready for. 5) It is Trey's commitment to true yoga practice that has caused tremendous improvement in my yoga practice. I have seen improvement in balance, strength, and flexibility. This started happening after just six weeks. Trey has also been great in suggesting things for home practice. 6) A bonus, Trey is fun and funny. He doesn't take it too seriously. He makes an effort to get to know his students. He remembers where we started, so he points out milestones. "Hey, I remember when you couldn't X and look at you now!" So, YES! Go take a class with Trey Albright. namaste, gretchen
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Alina C.
Jul 6, 2015
Trey was a great yogi! He visited me on my lunch break for a 45 min session. He was on time, knowledgeable, and very personable. It was fun but also a great workout. I was definitely sore the next day but that's only the weakness leaving my body.
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Catherine R.
Jan 21, 2016
Trey is an excellent yoga instructor. He's mindful of all students' aptitudes and inclusive of all students in a mixed-ability class. And unlike many instructors, he provides correction to poses, making sure that you're doing the pose correctly, for maximum benefit and with no harm to yourself. He's a good-natured person, easy-going and approachable. I recommend him highly.
Trey Albright's reply
Thank you Catherine! See you in class soon!


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